Welcome to MSI-TN
The Multi Stakeholder Initiative Tamil Nadu (MSI-TN)
MSI- TN, Established in 2014 under the leadership of SAVE by inviting the group of NGOs, employers and Government officials at Tirupur. In 2018 expanded the scope of MSI TN under the aegis of Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Textiles aims towards systemic improvements of labour conditions in the Tamil Nadu Textile and Garment industry with a thrust to spinning sector.
With the Secretariat in Tirupur, this initiative has its operation across the State of Tamil Nadu. The dedicated team of MSI TN comprising Programme Manager, Coordinators for Training and Dialogue, Trainers and Partner NGOs is engaged to implement in-factory training programs and social dialogue process which are necessary to ensure fair, ethical and sustainable labour practices in the spinning and garment sector.

MSI TN intends to create transparent dialogue among all stakeholders of the textile value chain adhering to tripartite concept of bringing Govt. agencies, Employer and the Employee to a common platform.
In-factory trainings and district level dialogue meetings are underway in the districts of Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode and Dindigul which are major hubs for spinning mills and garment factories.
Social Dialogue team has also apprised the Govt agencies, trade associations, factory managements, trade unions and NGOs in all the four districts. Team had a detailed discussion with Govt depts., like DISH, DSWO, DPCU, NCLP, EPFO, ESIC; trade associations such as SIMA, TASMA, ITF, TEA and TEAMA; State and Central trade unions and NGOs.
District level stake holders meeting was conducted in Tripur, Erode, Coimbatore and Dindigul respectively on a thematic topics such as,
“Challenges in regularising hostels and countering sexual harassment on women in textile mills”
“Ensuring Social Security Benefits – ESIS & EPFS” “Enforcing Labour laws” and the response was promising.
Our Team